
Bunions, also known as Hallux Valgus, are a deformity of your foot that can often be painful with activity or when wearing certain shoes. Bunions often run in families meaning that some people are genetically predisposed to developing a bunion at some point in their life. Other factors such as the way you walk and run, or the type of shoes you wear can also contribute to the formation of a bunion.

At Feet For Life, our doctor and staff will evaluate your bunions and create a treatment plan suited to your lifestyle. Some bunions can be accommodated with padding, orthotics, or changes in shoe gear. For other people, a painful bunion is best treated with surgery. Dr. Pierson can lead you through the process of making the right choice for your life.


Monday – Thursday 8:00 – 5:00
Friday 8:00 – 1:00
Saturday – Sunday Closed

(205) 424-9199